• UN Headquarters’ 4U1UN has been Back on the Air

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wednesday, December 04, 2019 16:10:20

    The United Nations Amateur Radio Club, 4U1UN, at UN Headquarters in New York has been on the air recently. Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, recently was on site to replace and test a serial cable, and, while there, made some 100 contacts.

    "Now that all works, we should hear the 4U1UN more often on the air," he commented. QSL via HB9BOU.

    4U1UN is a separate DXCC entity. The 4U1UN Facebook page reported that the beacon transmitter is operating again, "although the antenna is literally being held together with tape and chewing gum at this point. Not sure how much longer it'll survive," the entry said. The station's Elecraft K3 transceiver has been repaired and returned. The remote setup is reported to be working properly.

    4U1UN was on the air on December 4, starting just before 0200 UTC on 7.023.7 MHz (listening up) and finishing at around 0500 UTC. The station was back on the air on the same frequency from about 1030 UTC until 1300 UTC. 4U1UN also has been reported on 40-meter SSB. -- Thanks to The Daily DX [1]for some information

    [1] http://www.dailydx.com

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