• South Orkney Islands DXpedition will Use VP8PJ

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, January 03, 2020 11:28:14

    The Perseverance DX Group's DXpedition to South Orkney[1], set for February 20 until March 5, will use the call sign VP8PJ. The group initially announced that it would use VP8/VP8DXU.

    "Alan Armstrong, VK6CQ, a recent addition to the team, holds the call sign VP8PJ that was issued to him for operation from the British Antarctic Territory," the DXpedition has announced. "After submission of a copy of Alan's license, ARRL has issued us a new LoTW certificate for the use of this call from South Orkney for the duration of our expedition."

    Contact[2] the DXpedition via email.

    [1] https://sorkney.com/
    [2] mailto:info@sorkney.com

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