• HuskySat-1 Gains Enthusiastic Following

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 16:15:50

    Initial reports indicate considerable interest among amateurs in tracking and capturing data from the newly deployed HuskySat-1. The satellite, designed at the University of Washington, was launched to the International Space Station last November and subsequently deployed into a higher orbit from the ISS on January 31 and began telemetry transmissions on 435.800 MHz. HuskySat-1's 1,200 bps BPSK beacon is active and decodable with the latest release of AMSAT's FoxTelem[1] software.

    The HuskySat-1 CubeSat will demonstrate onboard plasma propulsion and high-gain telemetry for low-Earth orbit that would be a precursor for an attempt at a larger CubeSat designed for orbital insertion at the moon.

    HuskySat-1 is expected to carry out its primary mission before being turned over to AMSAT for activation of a 30 kHz wide V/U linear transponder for SSB and CW. - Thanks to AMSAT News Service

    [1] https://github.com/ac2cz/FoxTelem

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