• It’s Never Too Late to Upgrade

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 15:59:48

    George "Buck" Miner, K6RFE, of Sun City, Arizona, has been an active ham since earning his first license in 1956, upgrading to a General-class license 10 months later. It wasn't until January 26, however, that he upgraded to Amateur Extra - at the age of 94.

    Miner began losing his sight at a young age and became totally blind when he was 27. That never slowed him down, however. Over the intervening years, he repaired TVs and sold, repaired, and installed two-way radios. He even managed a 200-acre ranch on the northern California coast, where he fished and dived for abalone.

    Miner was a local celebrity, too, producing and hosting a live radio show in Eureka, California - "Chuck Star and his Rambling Guitar" - on which he told stories, sang, and played guitar. To survive living alone, he learned to cook for himself and has produced several "Buck's Miracle Kitchen" YouTube videos that humorously demonstrate how he cooks without sight.

    Miner has written several books, including an autobiography, My Darkness under the Sun. He's also composed hundreds of songs, including "CQ Boogie," and he continues to play his guitar and sing for fun and profit. - Thanks to Bob Ringwald, K6YBV

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