• German Contest Team to Conduct FT8 Experimental Event

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 16:35:07

    Starting on March 9, a group of German radio amateurs will attempt to determine how long it takes to complete DXCC using only FT8 protocol.

    "Today, more than 80% of the QSOs are made by FT8 operators," the group said. "Our goal is to get the DXCC in the shortest possible time." Using the call sign DR4K, the operators have set several conditions.

    They will not use any spotting assistance, will limit transmitter output to 50 W, will only call CQ, and will not use FT8 fox/hound mode. DR4K will operate on 80, 40, 30, 27, 15, and 12 meters as much as possible.

    "As soon as we have reached our goal, the experiment is over," the DR4K team said. "After that, you probably will never work DR4K in FT8 again."

    All contacts will be confirmed with a special event QSL card. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World (LoTW) and Club Log.

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