• Some Countries Permitting “STAYHOME”-Suffix Call Signs during COVID-19 Pandemic

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thursday, April 02, 2020 17:48:34

    Some countries around the world are allowing radio amateurs to use special "STAYHOME" call sign suffixes. For example, listen for 8A1STAYHOME from Indonesia, and A60STAYHOME/# call signs from the United Arab Emirates.

    In Canada, Michael Shamash, VE2MXU, is using VC2STAYHOM "to raise awareness for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic." Canada limits call sign suffixes to seven characters.

    Australia has permitted the Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA) to use the special call sign AX2020STAYHOME. At 14 characters, that may set a record for world's longest call sign. Also look for 9K9STAYHOME from the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society; TC1STAYHOME, the COVID-19 special event call sign from Turkey, and HZ1STAYHOME from the Saudi Amateur Radio Society.

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