Along with many other ham radio events, SEA-PAC[1] 2020, which was to host the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, fell victim to the COVID-19 pandemic. Standing in for this year's live event will be the SEA-PAC QSO Party on Saturday, June 6, starting at 1600 UTC and continuing until June 7 at 0400 UTC.
"We may not be able to be with our 2,000+ fellow amateur radio friends this year on this day, but we can still have a ham-tastic time on the airwaves," the event's organizers said.
The event will offer entry categories for HF and VHF-UHF stations, with all modes and high-power, low-power, and QRP categories (greater than 50 W and less than 50 W on VHF-UHF). Participants will exchange a signal report and the first year they attended SEA-PAC or signal report, and 2020 for those who have never attended. Awards will be available. Submit a report form; no logs are required.
For more information, contact Ron O'Connor[2], KD7VIK.ÿ
[2] mailto:
þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS