• I'm New Here

    From Joe Lag@VERT/TWITNETB to All on Monday, June 15, 2020 23:12:10
    Good day folks, VA3JFL here. I'm new to the BBS world. Hope to meet some nice folks here. I'm into radio, RF, Computers, Networking etc, As you can obviously figure out from me being here :) Anyway hope everyone is keeping ok in these strange days!
    73 all!

    þ Synchronet þ Twitnet Northern BBS - Abandonware RareFiles Ebooks And Who Knows! All Welcome.
  • From Arelor@VERT/HAVENS to Joe Lag on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 06:02:45
    Re: I'm New Here
    By: Joe Lag to All on Tue Jun 16 2020 12:12 am

    Good day folks, VA3JFL here. I'm new to the BBS world. Hope to meet some ni folks here. I'm into radio, RF, Computers, Networking etc, As you can obviou figure out from me being here :) Anyway hope everyone is keeping ok in these strange days!
    73 all!

    þ Synchronet þ Twitnet Northern BBS - Abandonware RareFiles Ebooks And Who

    Welcome on board!

    Apt, dnf, pacman, pkgtools of pkg_add?

    þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Dr.Elcott@VERT/TCFBBS to Joe Lag on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 09:01:51
    Re: I'm New Here
    By: Joe Lag to All on Tue Jun 16 2020 00:12:10

    Welcome! W4GOP here. I'm new to the BBS scene myself. I haven't been on HF in a while, but I'm hoping to get back on the air soon.


    þ Synchronet þ The Curse of Fenric - A Terminal Experience
  • From Kurisu@VERT/FINALZON to Joe Lag on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 08:36:21
    Re: I'm New Here
    By: Joe Lag to All on Tue Jun 16 2020 12:12 am

    Good day folks, VA3JFL here. I'm new to the BBS world. Hope to meet some nice folks here. I'm into radio, RF, Computers, Networking etc, As you can obviously figure out from me being here :) Anyway hope everyone is keeping ok in these strange days!
    73 all!

    Ahoy-hoy! Welcome to the party. Enjoy your stay.
    The official bbs of xadara.com!

    þ Synchronet þ Final Zone BBS - The official BBS of xadara.com - finalzone.ddns.net
  • From Joe Lag@VERT/TWITNETB to Dr.Elcott on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 10:03:06
    Re: I'm New Here
    By: Joe Lag to All on Tue Jun 16 2020 00:12:10

    Welcome! W4GOP here. I'm new to the BBS scene myself. I haven't been on HF in a while, but I'm hoping to get back on the air soon.


    þ Synchronet þ The Curse of Fenric - A Terminal Experience

    Yes, I understand. I have to put up my HF antenna myself one of these days. I'm at a new place now all moved in. Enjoy your day!

    þ Synchronet þ Twitnet Northern BBS - Abandonware RareFiles Ebooks And Who Knows! All Welcome.
  • From Joe Lag@VERT/TWITNETB to Kurisu on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 10:05:04
    Re: I'm New Here
    By: Joe Lag to All on Tue Jun 16 2020 12:12 am

    Good day folks, VA3JFL here. I'm new to the BBS world. Hope to meet some nice folks here. I'm into radio, RF, Computers, Networking etc, As you can obviously figure out from me being here :) Anyway hope everyone is keeping ok in these strange days!
    73 all!

    Ahoy-hoy! Welcome to the party. Enjoy your stay.
    The official bbs of xadara.com!

    þ Synchronet þ Final Zone BBS - The official BBS of xadara.com - finalzone.ddns.net

    Thanks, What I'm enjoying already is the lack of Facebook "drama" around here. Enjoy your day!

    þ Synchronet þ Twitnet Northern BBS - Abandonware RareFiles Ebooks And Who Knows! All Welcome.
  • From Dr.Elcott@VERT/TCFBBS to Joe Lag on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 13:43:33
    Re: Re: I'm New Here
    By: Joe Lag to Dr.Elcott on Wed Jun 17 2020 11:03:06

    Yes, I understand. I have to put up my HF antenna myself one of these days. I'm at a new place now all moved in. Enjoy your day!

    Great! I'm in an apartment myself, so it's a bit more challenging to get an HF antenna. I've thought about checking out the apartment/hotel HF antenna from MFJ, but I've heard varying degrees of success. I'm at least able to talk on the local 2m repeaters around here, so at least I'm on-the-air in some fashon.


    þ Synchronet þ The Curse of Fenric - A Terminal Experience
  • From calcmandan@VERT/DIGDIST to Joe Lag on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 21:37:00
    Joe Lag wrote to All <=-

    Good day folks, VA3JFL here. I'm new to the BBS world. Hope to meet
    some nice folks here. I'm into radio, RF, Computers, Networking etc, As you can obviously figure out from me being here :) Anyway hope everyone
    is keeping ok in these strange days!
    73 all!

    Welcome Joe.

    ... Visit me at gopher://gcpp.world
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    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com