• Xmas Light Box

    From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to All on Saturday, November 30, 2019 14:05:58
    So, I am building a new 'gizmo v3' using a gutted out PC case. This one has 12 separate plugs made by breaking the tabs on 6 120v wall sockets and controlled by 1 Kuman 8 channel controller and 1 Kuman 4 channel controller which in turn are controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Raspbian Deb Stretch, Apache2, php7 and Python 3. I gutted out the PC power supply and mounted a 120v 15 amp wall socket that splits off to supply power to each controller using a 12 gauge copper wire. The RPi power supply plugs into one of the socket of the input power plug. Each of the outputs on the controller transmits its power using the 12v 22 gauge PC plugs. If my calculations are correct, each string of LED Christmas lights drawn 0.34 amps and the 22 gauge wire can handle 0.92 amps, so I should be able to daisy chain 2 strings of lights per socket.

    A 15 amp wall socket can handle 12 amps and that my overall usage will be 11.1 amps (8.6 amps for the lights and 2.5 amps for the RPi). Does this sound about right? Or am I missing something?

    þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortifis on Saturday, November 30, 2019 15:39:48
    Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: Mortifis to All on Sat Nov 30 2019 03:05 pm

    So, I am building a new 'gizmo v3' using a gutted out PC case. This one has separate plugs made by breaking the tabs on 6 120v wall sockets and controll by 1 Kuman 8 channel controller and 1 Kuman 4 channel controller which in tu are controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Raspbian Deb Stretch, Apache2, php7 and Python 3. I gutted out the PC power supply and mounted a 120v 15 a wall socket that splits off to supply power to each controller using a 12 ga copper wire. The RPi power supply plugs into one of the socket of the input power plug. Each of the outputs on the controller transmits its power using the 12v 22 gauge PC plugs. If my calculations are correct, each string of L Christmas lights drawn 0.34 amps and the 22 gauge wire can handle 0.92 amps, I should be able to daisy chain 2 strings of lights per socket.

    A 15 amp wall socket can handle 12 amps and that my overall usage will be 11 amps (8.6 amps for the lights and 2.5 amps for the RPi). Does this sound ab right? Or am I missing something?

    can you post a photo of this setup? kinda makes me worry.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Grease@VERT/DARKMATT to MRO on Monday, December 23, 2019 09:53:06
    Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: MRO to Mortifis on Sat Nov 30 2019 04:39 pm

    has separate plugs made by breaking the tabs on 6 120v wall sockets and controll by 1 Kuman 8 channel controller and 1 Kuman 4 channel controller which in tu are controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Raspbian Deb Stretch, Apache2, php7 and Python 3. I gutted out the PC power supply

    can you post a photo of this setup? kinda makes me worry.

    There is a aquarium reef controller very similar to this called reef-pi that you build yourself.


    þ Synchronet þ Dark Matter BBS <<>> darkmatt.synchro.net <<>> Howdy from Texas!
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to MRO on Monday, December 23, 2019 18:02:34
    Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: Mortifis to All on Sat Nov 30 2019 03:05 pm

    So, I am building a new 'gizmo v3' using a gutted out PC case. This
    has separate plugs made by breaking the tabs on 6 120v wall
    sockets and
    controll by 1 Kuman 8 channel controller and 1 Kuman 4 channel
    which in tu are controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Raspbian
    Stretch, Apache2, php7 and Python 3. I gutted out the PC power
    and mounted a 120v 15 a wall socket that splits off to supply power
    each controller using a 12 ga copper wire. The RPi power supply
    into one of the socket of the input power plug. Each of the
    outputs on
    the controller transmits its power using the 12v 22 gauge PC plugs.
    my calculations are correct, each string of L Christmas lights
    drawn 0.34
    amps and the 22 gauge wire can handle 0.92 amps, I should be able
    daisy chain 2 strings of lights per socket.

    A 15 amp wall socket can handle 12 amps and that my overall usage
    will be
    11 amps (8.6 amps for the lights and 2.5 amps for the RPi). Does
    sound ab right? Or am I missing something?

    can you post a photo of this setup? kinda makes me worry.

    Why would you worry? The wire guage and amp are all well within specs,
    the box is properly grounded and using a multimeter on each channel shows
    well under limits and the core temp is running at 36.6 c

    Photos ... http://alleycat.synchro.net:81/dls/index.html

    þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortifis on Monday, December 23, 2019 22:06:23
    Re: Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: Mortifis to MRO on Mon Dec 23 2019 07:02 pm

    can you post a photo of this setup? kinda makes me worry.

    Why would you worry? The wire guage and amp are all well within specs,
    the box is properly grounded and using a multimeter on each channel shows well under limits and the core temp is running at 36.6 c

    Photos ... http://alleycat.synchro.net:81/dls/index.html

    okay, looks safe. if you plug it in and it doesnt blow up, it's good.
    i wouldnt have stripped back the wires that far, though.
    it does look weird but as long as it works.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to MRO on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 10:57:05
    Re: Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: Mortifis to MRO on Mon Dec 23 2019 07:02 pm

    can you post a photo of this setup? kinda makes me worry.

    Why would you worry? The wire guage and amp are all well within specs, the box is properly grounded and using a multimeter on each channel shows well under limits and the core temp is running at 36.6 c

    Photos ... http://alleycat.synchro.net:81/dls/index.html

    okay, looks safe. if you plug it in and it doesnt blow up, it's good.
    i wouldnt have stripped back the wires that far, though.
    it does look weird but as long as it works.

    It looks less weird with the side panels on, as far as the wire stripping I used Liquid Electrical Tape to clean it up, and yes, it does work very well, it controls 12 channels remotely via a web interface I scripted or timed channel events or it even takes voice commands via the STT/TTS scripts I wrote; bluetooth speaker and headless ... my Tab 10 is the monitor ... anyway, thanks for your interest,

    Merry Christmas

    þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to Grease on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 12:27:57
    Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: MRO to Mortifis on Sat Nov 30 2019 04:39 pm

    has separate plugs made by breaking the tabs on 6 120v wall sockets and controll by 1 Kuman 8 channel controller and 1 Kuman 4 channel controller which in tu are controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Raspbian Deb Stretch, Apache2, php7 and Python 3. I gutted out the PC power supply

    can you post a photo of this setup? kinda makes me worry.

    There is a aquarium reef controller very similar to this called reef-pi that you build yourself.

    Ya, there are a lot of projects that can be made using an RPi, one thing I'd like to get for mine is a UPS power hat and switch with led and power meter ... cheers brah

    þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortifis on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 11:15:49
    Re: Re: Xmas Light Box
    By: Mortifis to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 11:57 am

    i wouldnt have stripped back the wires that far, though.
    it does look weird but as long as it works.

    It looks less weird with the side panels on, as far as the wire stripping I used Liquid Electrical Tape to clean it up, and yes, it does work very well, controls 12 channels remotely via a web interface I scripted or timed channe events or it even takes voice commands via the STT/TTS scripts I wrote; bluetooth speaker and headless ... my Tab 10 is the monitor ... anyway, than for your interest,

    i used to build and repair cystoscopes and a device for trans urethral needle arberation [and other things for the past 24 years].

    usually the rule is that if it works, it works. and dont spend too much time working on something. the more you work on something tiny and delicate the more you can mess something up.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::