• Dual Monitor Adapter

    From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to All on Thursday, August 06, 2020 07:13:00
    The monitor I have for my Lenovo laptop, where I do all my
    tasks related to reading BBS mail and playing the games, plus
    items via amateur radio, and square dancing, has an HDMI
    connector. I have an older monitor with the VGA connector.
    I found a dual adapter on Amazon that will allow a plug-in
    for both.

    The reason is that during ham radio traffic nets, I've
    got several windows open, including:

    1) Facebook -- if the net has a Facebook Group, for net checkins.

    2) Email -- for email checkins.

    3) D-Rats -- a utility for ham radio operators that allows the
    sending of messages and files, plus chat, in real time...as well
    as checkins to the net.

    4) Netlogger -- a utility for ham radio net control operators to
    log checkins to a net -- a lot easier than with Notepad.

    5) BlueDV -- a utility for ham radio operators, done by PA7LIM,
    which works with the ThumbDV from Northwest Digital Radio, and
    allows the modes of D-Star, DMR, WIRES, FUSION, over ones PC,
    without the need for actual RF gear. There are 2 Windows...the
    actual logger, then the IM chat window, which is used for net

    With multiple windows open, there's a potential to "get lost
    in the shuffle", and miss checkins, or to inadvertently close a

    My question is, "Is there a utility to set up which windows to
    view, and which ones to minimize for each monitor??".


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