• Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g

    From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to All on Saturday, October 17, 2020 11:21:30

    Running into a road block ... any suggestions what I will need to have sbbs on winxp to use telnet ports instead of comm ports. I was looking at some old posts but I am unable to track down the vmodem/netfoss mentioned.

    ps: I may need someone to hold my hand bit


    ­ Synchronet ­ AlleyCat! BBS Lake Echo, NS Canada
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Mortifis on Saturday, October 17, 2020 07:47:00
    Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to All on Sat Oct 17 2020 12:21 pm

    Running into a road block ... any suggestions what I will need to have sbbs on winxp to use telnet ports instead of comm ports. I was looking at

    Not sure what you mean.. Synchronet uses telnet by default, and doesn't support comm ports unless you use something like Sexpots.

    some old posts but I am unable to track down the vmodem/netfoss mentioned.

    Synchronet has a FOSSIL driver built in, which gets invoked automatically when you run a FOSSIL door. You can use Netfoss if you want to, but you don't have to.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to Nightfox on Saturday, October 17, 2020 12:34:00
    Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to All on Sat Oct 17 2020 12:21 pm

    Not sure what you mean.. Synchronet uses telnet by default, and doesn't support comm ports unless you use something like Sexpots.

    Sorry, I should have added version number to message body and not just Subject line ... this is for Synchronet v2.00g so before telnet and sexpots

    Synchronet has a FOSSIL driver built in, which gets invoked automatically when you run a FOSSIL door. You can use Netfoss if you want to, but you don't have to.


    So, my intent is to add virtual comm ports and a vfoss type comm-to-tcp so sbbs 200g can answer telnet ...
    I found some old discussions, mostly by tracker1 but I cannot find the archives mentioned

    ­ Synchronet ­ AlleyCat! BBS Lake Echo, NS Canada
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortifis on Saturday, October 17, 2020 13:37:17
    Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to All on Sat Oct 17 2020 12:21 pm


    Running into a road block ... any suggestions what I will need to have sbbs on winxp to use telnet ports instead of comm ports. I was looking at some old posts but I am unable to track down the vmodem/netfoss mentioned.

    ps: I may need someone to hold my hand bit

    use sbbs 3.1x as a telnet server to run v3
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortifis on Saturday, October 17, 2020 13:37:56
    Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to Nightfox on Sat Oct 17 2020 01:34 pm

    So, my intent is to add virtual comm ports and a vfoss type comm-to-tcp so sbbs 200g can answer telnet ...
    I found some old discussions, mostly by tracker1 but I cannot find the archives mentioned

    you shouldnt really run that old version. no reason to.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Mortifis@VERT/EPHRAM to MRO on Saturday, October 17, 2020 17:10:11
    Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to Nightfox on Sat Oct 17 2020 01:34 pm

    So, my intent is to add virtual comm ports and a vfoss type comm-to-tcp so sbbs 200g can answer telnet ...
    I found some old discussions, mostly by tracker1 but I cannot find the archives mentioned

    you shouldnt really run that old version. no reason to.

    ... I suppose if you ask each individual chicken why it crossed the road, it'd have a different reason :-P

    I managed to get 3 nodes answering incoming telnet requests to sbbs200g from within my LAN ... as you said, there is no reason other than wanting to. Now to figure out port forwarding within win10 as it is the ethernet bridge for the ancient P4 to get internet access.

    þ Synchronet þ The Realm of Dispair telnet ephram.synchro.net 2323 ssh 2222 web 82
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortifis on Saturday, October 17, 2020 21:07:32
    Re: Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to MRO on Sat Oct 17 2020 06:10 pm

    you shouldnt really run that old version. no reason to.

    ... I suppose if you ask each individual chicken why it crossed the road, it'd have a different reason :-P

    I managed to get 3 nodes answering incoming telnet requests to sbbs200g from within my LAN ... as you said, there is no reason other than wanting

    did i say there was no reason other than wanting to?

    from within my LAN ... as you said, there is no reason other than wanting to. Now to figure out port forwarding within win10 as it is the ethernet bridge for the ancient P4 to get internet access.

    just put a nic in the computer and connect it to your router?

    you can use net2bbs and netfoss to run it as a door.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to MRO on Saturday, October 17, 2020 23:51:05
    Re: Re: Winxp Pro abd SBBS 2.00g
    By: Mortifis to MRO on Sat Oct 17 2020 06:10 pm

    just put a nic in the computer and connect it to your router?

    this ancient P4 1.6 can't handle wifi and to avoid drilling a hole through my wall to run a cat5 I had it plugged into my win10 box which shared internet ... anyway, I did piss off my wife and drilled a hole in the wall and the ol' 200g is live ... with todays dovenet ... just working out a few minor issues and install some doors and ... zzzzZZZZZ ....

    you can use net2bbs and netfoss to run it as a door.

    ­ Synchronet ­ AlleyCat! BBS Lake Echo, NS Canada