• laptops

    From MATTHEW MUNSON@VERT/IUTOPIA to all on Saturday, October 24, 2020 09:48:00
    Im debating between a macbook air and a gaming laptop using windows. The big issue is
    making sure the laptops have good thermals.
    þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Inland Utopia * iutopia.duckdns.org:2323
  • From Bob Roberts@VERT/HOVAL to MATTHEW MUNSON on Saturday, October 24, 2020 18:16:18
    Re: laptops
    By: MATTHEW MUNSON to all on Sat Oct 24 2020 10:48 am

    Im debating between a macbook air and a gaming laptop using windows. The big issue is
    making sure the laptops have good thermals.

    Macbook Air's are super light and power efficient so I imagine they would run quite cool. Don't buy one yet, they're about to announce the very first ARM powered Macbook. I bet it runs super cool and fast.


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