• exec/init-fidonet.js install-xtrn.js

    From rswindell@VERT to CVS commit on Sunday, April 19, 2020 11:43:48
    exec init-fidonet.js 1.27 1.28 install-xtrn.js 1.11 1.12
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/exec
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv15696

    Modified Files:
    init-fidonet.js install-xtrn.js
    Log Message:
    When run from the BBS (!jsexec), display a note that the sysop now needs to logoff for the server to recycle and changes to take effect.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net