What's wrong with dressing professional? If I dressed like Zelensky
and went to a job interview they'd laugh at me.
and went to a job interview they'd laugh at me.
Last week someone came to a job interview at my company in sweat pants. Yes, he was hired. We explain that once he's hired if he comes to work
in sweat pants he will be sent home to change and he will not be paid until he comes back in clothing that is approved. (Everything except sweat pants)
Another a-hole is the one who asked Z "why don't you wear a
suit.. as a sign of respect.. etc".
Seeing as Musk ran a meeting over Trump in the oval office looking like someone whose luggage had been lost...
Yes, we are a polite bunch.
We don't put of with 'Bullies".
Bullied is one the feelings we have right now.
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
Is that the same one where Musk's kid leaned over and told Trump to
shut up and that he wasn't the real President? That kid owned him.
Kurt Weiske wrote to Mike Powell <=-
Is that the same one where Musk's kid leaned over and told Trump to
shut up and that he wasn't the real President? That kid owned him.
Out of the mouths of babes...come the truth.
Last week someone came to a job interview at my company in sweat pants.>Yes, he was hired. We explain that once he's hired if he comes to work
Like Steve, Canada is a nice guy also. But the odor of drugs, illegal immigrants, and an unfair trade balance is actually hurting my country, and I can still smell it even when I get off the bus.
I don't blame the Canadian people. Sometimes we inadvertently elect bad politicians here in the states also, and that's why some of these odorsaven'
been dissolved already. You need a leader who will stand up for Canada theam
way the Trump stands up for the USA.
Zelensky is no slouch when it comes to wit, but his visit was
weighed by the serious burden of his country and people under
attack - I could imagine that humour and levity would be hard
to maintain at all times. But Vance and Trump were
disrespectful pricks in this situation.
Two things stuck out at me - When Zelenskyy said, in pretty good English
that if you don't deal with Russia in Ukraine, you'll deal with them at
your doorstep, and it felt like Trump saw that as an opening to distort
that and go on the offensive, saying "You don't tell me what to do".
That seemed like an intentional escalation, not a misunderstanding.
Secondly, when Trump described Zelenskyy's strategy as "not good
business", it rang hollow. Governing a people is *not* a business.
And, the Down Jones average is down almost 1000 points in the last few
days leading up to the tariffs. Interesting, planning your stock-killing
political move on the day of your State of the Union address.
As for unfair trade, as it has been pointed out, it was Donald Trump who signed the current trade deal with Canada and he called it the best deal ever done.
Trump is making Trudeau look good which is a difficult task considering the beating Trudeau was taking before this.
Like Steve, Canada is a nice guy also. But the odor of drugs, illegal immigra>, and an unfair trade balance is actually hurting my country, and I
Two things stuck out at me - When Zelenskyy said, in pretty good English>that if you don't deal with Russia in Ukraine, you'll deal with them at
Secondly, when Trump described Zelenskyy's strategy as "not good>business", it rang hollow. Governing a people is *not* a business.
And, the Dow Jones average is down almost 1000 points in the last few> days leading up to the tariffs. Interesting, planning your stock-killing
"Bold move, Cotton, let's see how it plays out for 'em..."
It would be funny if our country wasn't in the balance.
As for unfair trade, as it has been pointed out, it was Donald Trump who signed the current trade deal with Canada and he called it the best deal ever done.
USMCA failed to address the trade imbalance. It was passed through congress, which probably means that it wasn't allowed to address the trade imbalance, because congress would never deal with an issue like that.
itherTrump is making Trudeau look good which is a difficult task considering the beating Trudeau was taking before this.
I don't see it that way. Smart Canadians probably don't see it that way
It doesn't erase the damage that Trudeau has done to Canada.
Trust me.. the person that will hurt the USA more than anyone
else is your president. Tariffs are nothing but a tax on you,
as well as us, and he is damaging both of our economies.
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
I actually felt like Trump jumped on that because Trump didn't want
those listening (i.e. us!) to be worrying about his buddy Putin, so he deflected it quickly.
Secondly, when Trump described Zelenskyy's strategy as "not good
business", it rang hollow. Governing a people is *not* a business.
True. If you try to treat it like one, it becomes increasingly
difficult to govern.
The trade imbalance, if you remove the Oil you buy from us at 20%
lower than world prices, it's actually a trade Surplus for you.
And the Fentanyl problem, less than 1/2 of 1% coming into your country comes through Canada, and you wouldn't believe the tons of drugs we
stop coming across the border FROM the USA, not to mention illegal guns.
No border as long as ours can be sealed tight, but we do try, and I
will grant that it needed some upgrades which we are doing now.
Trust me.. the person that will hurt the USA more than anyone
else is your president. Tariffs are nothing but a tax on you,
as well as us, and he is damaging both of our economies.
USMCA failed to address the trade imbalance. It was passed through congr which probably means that it wasn't allowed to address the trade imbalan because congress would never deal with an issue like that.
Trump signed it, *after* it had been through Congress, and said it was
the best deal ever done. Certainly he didn't *lie* to us about that?
I don't see it that way. Smart Canadians probably don't see it that wayither
It doesn't erase the damage that Trudeau has done to Canada.
There are Canadians on FIDO who were bad mouthing Trudeau right up until Trump started slinging BS. Now not nearly so much.
One aggrevating thing about the retaliatory tarrifs is that they are>targeted at "red" states which are mostly always red. They are not the
I will believe that Canada really means business when they start tarriffing>automobiles, for example, and not just motorcycles.
The trade imbalance, if you remove the Oil you buy from us at 20%>er we start drilling our own oil (which is one of his plans.)
lower than world prices, it's actually a trade Surplus for you.
In that case, I'll assume that Trump refers to what the ratio will look like
And the Fentanyl problem, less than 1/2 of 1% coming into your country comes through Canada, and you wouldn't believe the tons of drugs we>e then. I don't want drugs coming in from Canada, and I don't want drugs goin
stop coming across the border FROM the USA, not to mention illegal guns.
This sounds to me like the USA & Canada need to work together to combat the i
It's my understanding that Canada's liberal party is loyal to China, and part> being loyal to China means to not interfere with China's opium/precursor sal
> RM> will grant that it needed some upgrades which we are doing now.No border as long as ours can be sealed tight, but we do try, and I
The rivers should make it somewhat easier. The St. Lawrence River is signific>ly deeper and wider compared to the Rio Grande. Onlya very athletic person wo
Trust me.. the person that will hurt the USA more than anyone>damage. Kinda like global warming: it don't feel very hot yet.
else is your president. Tariffs are nothing but a tax on you,
as well as us, and he is damaging both of our economies.
I just don't see the damage yet. I see all the alarms and warnings, but just
arriffingI will believe that Canada really means business when they start
>automobiles, for example, and not just motorcycles.
I'm not up on the exact details regarding auto sales but a huge number
of cars were just shipped across the border to beat the tariffs that
Trump is putting on them, or will.. or might..
Estimates seem to be if the tariffs go through they will add between
$3000 and $12,000 to the cost of a new vehicle, average about $6000.
I suppose if we were smart we would just start buying just vehicles that
we make in Canada to avoid the tariffs altogether. I'd have to check
but obviously the variety of vehicles available that way would not be
very wide, which would obviously be a problem. More likely a lot of
people will put off buying new cars longer than usual in the hopes that
once Trump is gone this crap will come to an end.
Rob Mccart wrote to MIKE POWELL <=-
It is opening up trade across Canada though. They are working at
getting rid of the trade barriers between provinces so we can
more easily buy Canadian made than American made. They figure
that will boost our sales in Canada by about $200 Billion.
Oh, and they are working on a pipeline, East to West here. We talked
about refineries the other day and apparently we do have refineries
here, but they are all to the East and the bulk of our oil to the
West and it was easier to pipe it to the USA than Truck it across
Canada, which now may change if this goes through.
Mike Powell wrote to ROB MCCART <=-
I meant that Canada, if they mean business, should start tariffing American made autos. There are a bunch of "red states" that make
those, including the states that went red just for this election.
I suppose if we were smart we would just start buying just vehicles that
we make in Canada to avoid the tariffs altogether. I'd have to check
but obviously the variety of vehicles available that way would not be
very wide, which would obviously be a problem. More likely a lot of
people will put off buying new cars longer than usual in the hopes that
once Trump is gone this crap will come to an end.
Funny because supposedly, per those defending the tariffs, part of the reasoning behind them was that we are importing too many "American"
cars from Canada. ;)
Back in Detroit's heyday, it must have been convenient being right across th border - I remember reading about Canadian-branded GM cars in the 1980s. Now with American cars being built everywhere, not so much.
Yes, and you've always had the option of using your own oil but an intelligent country would use as much of a finite resource like oil
as they can get at a decent pricefrom other countries to save their
This is true. It should almost be a single service with enforcers from both countries.. Just as a sidebar, today they found 4 illegal immigrants who had entered into Canada (Quebec) from the USA, 2 adults and 2 kids
No, actual damage isn't obvious yet other than thousands of Canadians
so angry that they will not be spending their tourist dollars in
the USA this year and people looking where their groceries come from
and buying Canadian now, even if it costs more.
If the 25% across the board tariffs come in they estimate it will
cost Canada more than a million jobs and the estimate is 1.9 million American jobs plus higher prices on almost everything. The numbers
Some sources say that the tariffs will be on more than a $Trillion
of your imports. If the tariffs are at 25%, that will put an extra
$250 Billion into your government coffers.. I wonder how much of
that will trickle down to the average working person, especially
the ones who lose their job over it?
What Trump seems to want to do might eventually benefit your
country, but there would be a lot of pain for possibly decades
and it's likely that your next president will undo most of it.
The saddest thing is, not only have our countries been good friends
for many decades but we could always rely on good quality products compared to buying from especially Asia. Not sure about Europe..
In my limited time in Canada recently, it seemed like most of the cars
were Japanese/Korean, with older American cars in the mix. Mind you,
this was BC where it's easier to get imported cars from the east
without having to transport them across provinces.
Back in Detroit's heyday, it must have been convenient being right
across the border - I remember reading about Canadian-branded GM cars
in the 1980s. Now, with American cars being built everywhere, not so
>> $3000 and $12,000 to the cost of a new vehicle, average about $6000.Estimates seem to be if the tariffs go through they will add between
Yeah, Trump seems real wishy-washy in that. Maybe because the Dow went down>over 1300 points the first two days of this week.
I meant that Canada, if they mean business, should start tariffing American>made autos. There are a bunch of "red states" that make those, including
>> we make in Canada to avoid the tariffs altogether. I'd have to checkI suppose if we were smart we would just start buying just vehicles that
Funny because supposedly, per those defending the tariffs, part of the>reasoning behind them was that we are importing too many "American" cars
The Fentanyl numbers coming in from Canada make it seem like a red>herring, though - can anyone confirm?
It sounds like Fentanyl is a 2-way street between the US and Canada - we>intercepted 43 pounds coming into the US last year, Canada intercepted
There are much better solutions that tarriffs. Continued cooperation,>perhaps?
Oh, and they are working on a pipeline, East to West here. We talked> Canadian oil inferred that Canada lacked the capacity to refine, not
about refineries the other day and apparently we do have refineries
here, but they are all to the East and the bulk of our oil to the
West and it was easier to pipe it to the USA than Truck it across
Canada, which now may change if this goes through.
Interesting. The article I read calling out US refineries refining
A global commerce model with open trading partners is/was a good thing,> but it requires all parties to act in the best interests of everyone.
In my limited time in Canada recently, it seemed like most of the cars> were Japanese/Korean, with older American cars in the mix. Mind you,
Yes, and you've always had the option of using your own oil but an intelligent country would use as much of a finite resource like oil>ack in 2016. If buying oil from Canada isn't solving that issue, then I'm ass
as they can get at a decent pricefrom other countries to save their
There's a mystery about the prices here. The price right now is 3x what it wa
But this shouldn't come as any surprise. Trump has been very vocal about ever>ing he intended to do all throughout his campaign. To panic now is like sayin
If the 25% across the board tariffs come in they estimate it will>l to Canadians who believe that it's wise to depend on other countries.
cost Canada more than a million jobs and the estimate is 1.9 million American jobs plus higher prices on almost everything. The numbers
If the crystal ball is correct, then these results should serve as a wake-up
Something that Trump and I have in common is that we're positive thinkers. I>nk that the next president will double down on Trump's executive orders. I'm
I think they are targeting specific things from 'Red' States that will
cause the most annoyance/pain. Like Booze from Kentucky has pretty much
been removed from our shelves here.
Funny because supposedly, per those defending the tariffs, part of the>reasoning behind them was that we are importing too many "American" cars
>from Canada. ;)
Yes, as suggested above, we have been more partners than rivals so
there may be some truth to that but I seriously doubt that building
some of your cars in plants in Canada was simple charity to us..
The USA had also started building some car models in Mexico to save
money but you ended up limiting that due to quality issues which,
as mentioned earlier, is much less of a problem when they're built
in Canada and the USA..
I don't know if they have the capacity to totally replace our deals
with the USA, but I suppose while they are building the pipeline
they can maybe make the refineries bigger as well, plus that's only
for our use. The sale of oil to you will continue even if Trump puts
his threatened 10% tariff on it. Trump wants the profit from that
even if it costs you guys an estimated $10 more for a tank of gas.
There's a small chance that if Trump is screwing around, and not
serious about this stuff, we are making changes to protect ourselves
so a lot of damage will happen anyways.
I think if there were a huge savings drilling your own oil the companies would have gone back to doing that long ago. It's smart to not use up all your own reserves if you can manage it though. Once it runs out elsewhere you have your own available to use and to sell at inflated prices due to the shortages. But I'm not sure you have as much oil as you wish you did.
Instant gratification. Trump doesn't seem to worry much about anything that will cause problems more than 4 years in the future..
>I never saw this coming."
When Trump was making election speeches I don't recall him mentioning
25% tariffs on Mexican and Canadian Imports. He definitely went on about making America great again, but that's not unusual..
No, I think too many people on both sides of the border are mad about
this and I can't see what he's doing being good for ordinary people, although your super rich probably love him..
They are Japanese, but were they actually made there? Toyota has a huge>plant (maybe their NA HQ?) just down the road from here. Honda has several
>> cause the most annoyance/pain. Like Booze from Kentucky has pretty muchI think they are targeting specific things from 'Red' States that will
Which means they are missing the "Red States" that actually decided the>election... PA, NC, OH, MI, WI. KY has very few electoral votes in
>> there may be some truth to that but I seriously doubt that buildingYes, as suggested above, we have been more partners than rivals so
I don't see it as a charity. Maybe Trump does. I suspect it more likely>made some sort of business sense, as you also do. Businesses are generally
>> money but you ended up limiting that due to quality issues which,The USA had also started building some car models in Mexico to save
I would not have any qualms about buying an "American" car built in Canada.> For that matter, I'd not have any qualms about buying a Canadian one but,
>> his threatened 10% tariff on it. Trump wants the profit from thatThe sale of oil to you will continue even if Trump puts
If Trump were smart, he'd make an exception for oil "imported" into the US>just to be turned into gasoline to be "exported" back to you all.
The constant tariff yo-yo is not doing either country any good. It has>not helped our stock market at all. Canada learning to become more
I think if there were a huge savings drilling your own oil the companies would have gone back to doing that long ago. It's smart to not use up all your own reserves if you can manage it though. Once it runs out elsewhere you have your own available to use and to sell at inflated prices due to the shortages. But I'm not sure you have as much oil as you wish you did.> supply. However, even if Canada gave us an excellent price, uninterrupted, I
That does sound smart when considering the fact that the world has a limited
When Trump was making election speeches I don't recall him mentioning>27, 2024 (well before Election Day) that quotes him like this:
25% tariffs on Mexican and Canadian Imports.
He wasn't that specific, but I found (for example and article from PBS from S
"Former President Donald Trump has proposed a 60% tariff on goods from China> a 20% tariff on everything else the United States imports."
I'm confident that Pierre Poilievre will be able to help us resolve>these issues.
No, I think too many people on both sides of the border are mad about>scinding their endorsement of President Trump. I like Canada, and I have a fe
this and I can't see what he's doing being good for ordinary people, although your super rich probably love him..
I can't speak for the super rich, but I have yet to hear any Trump supporters
Trump sees thousands of jobs building cars in Canada that he can bring
back to the USA to give you those jobs, but anylists were talking
about that tonight on the news and said that what that would do is
cripple American car makers because you can't suddenly throw together
a car building plant. They said it would cost many $Billions and take
years for that to be completed, and then you could pretty much bet
that almost all Canadians would never buy an American car again,
and we would very quickly be able to retool existing plants here to
start making more Asian cars here which would also compete with
your car makers at some level unless tariffs were left on forever.
anada.I would not have any qualms about buying an "American" car built in
> For that matter, I'd not have any qualms about buying a Canadian one but,
>to my knowledge, there have been no Canadian specific makes/models since
>the last years of Studebaker production. ;)
No, it doesn't look like there are any truly Canadian car companies.
I think one or two were trying to start up over the years but never
went anywhere.
If Trump were smart, he'd make an exception for oil "imported" into the US>just to be turned into gasoline to be "exported" back to you all.
I think that was one of the things that showed Trump is in it just for
the money he can make. Tariffs on oil which mostly goes to make gas
and such for your country has no benefit other than costing you all
more money, which is all going to your government.
Time will tell. I think everything he plans will be scaled down as
people and huge corporations realize how much it is going to cost
them when few of them will get any benefit from it. Theoretically
some new jobs will be created but I'm not sure there will be nearly
as many jobs created as are lost due to the tariffs. The only winner
will be the government raking in the tariffs..
They have already said that tariff money here will be used to
support people who the tariffs hurt, like grants to companies
trying to stay afloat and subsidizing pay for people who would
have been laid off so the company can keep on all the workers
working fewer hours but still paid close to their full time
salaries and retaining their company benefits.
I don't think you'll hear Trump offer that. He may say something
about cutting taxes, but most of those cuts will likely benefit
the rich more than the poor.
Rob Mccart wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
Yes, it would sound like it. I wonder if Trump's idea is that we
spend $Billions to improve border sucurity and then you can stop doing much of it at all, saving you money.. (?)
It seems some things like that are more an excuse than a reason. I can
see the USA complaining about illegal immigrants coming in from, or through, Mexico, but there's a LOT more of it there than through Canada, and things like drugs, I'd be willing to bet more drugs are moving from the USA into Canada than in the other direction. Both things are bad of course but that should have made a good case for having a united service working together policing the border rather than putting tariffs on everything we sell the USA.
I'm not sure who would be best in Canada.. A new Liberal leader was
voted in to replace Trudeau and the news that Trudeau was resigning
had already reduced Poilievre's lead in the polls from 20% to 1%,
Yes, it would sound like it. I wonder if Trump's idea is that we
spend $Billions to improve border sucurity and then you can stop doing much of it at all, saving you money.. (?)
Much of his behavior seems to revolve around coercing others to "kiss
the ring". Illegally withhold congressionally approved funding, wait for
the recipient to respond, get him to grovel. Or, better yet, pay $5
million for an audience at Mar Al Lago.
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