Scientists in China have unveiled a new method for breeding mice with
two male parents - the resulting babies can survive to adulthood. It
is not the first time scientists have bred mice with two dads, but previous attempts did not result in mice that could live to adulthood.
The resulting mice had deficits, including shorter lifespans and infertility. The research could result in a better understanding of imprinting disorders, potentially paving the way to treatments that
use gene editing to fix them in humans.
Scientists in China have unveiled a new method for breeding mice with two male parents - the resulting babies can survive to adulthood. It
is not the first time scientists have bred mice with two dads, but previous attempts did not result in mice that could live to adulthood. The resulting mice had deficits, including shorter lifespans and infertility. The research could result in a better understanding of imprinting disorders, potentially paving the way to treatments that
use gene editing to fix them in humans.
The research could results in "a better understanding of imprinting disorders,
but could it also lead to homosexual men reproducing?
I'm in favor of equal rights for men to raise their children. Something like this could help pave the way for that to happen.
I'm in favor of equal rights for men to raise their children. Something this could help pave the way for that to happen.
I supposed it could lead to that. I, like you, don't see any issues with that. You had better not let the guys in POLITICS hear you say that, though, or you will be labeled a "lefty parrot" and they will
(supposedly) ignore you. :O :D
I am on the fence when it comes to gene editing. It could lead to the ability to fix disorders before they happen. It could also lead to
being able to make several other alterations for other, less charitable, reasons.
ptionI am on the fence when it comes to gene editing. It could lead to the >MP> ability to fix disorders before they happen. It could also lead to
being able to make several other alterations for other, less charitable, >MP> reasons.
Eliminating the possibility of certain birth defects sounds like a good
for people to have. The left would probably prefer to mandate it though.
Eliminating the possibility of certain birth defects sounds like a goodption
for people to have. The left would probably prefer to mandate it though.
It could also be used to enhance, or remove, otherwise "good" traits
from a population.
Am I late to that party? Is the discussion of that already a thing?
How would they do that genetically?
The left has experts in every field:
Step one: Get psychologists to identify common biological properties of Democrat voters.
Step two: Get biologists to figure out how to intensify the properties.
Step three: Get chemists to concoct the special kool aid.
Step four: Get big names in the food industry to distribute the concoction.
"The difference between conspiracy theory and the truth is about 4 years."
- Joe Lynn Turner
Step one: Get psychologists to identify common biological properties of Democrat voters.
I doubt they would find one, just like I sincerely doubt there is one common biological property that makes someone more likley to be a Republican.
"The difference between conspiracy theory and the truth is about 4 years - Joe Lynn Turner
The former singer for the band Rainbow?
fStep one: Get psychologists to identify common biological properties
ncludedDemocrat voters.
I doubt they would find one, just like I sincerely doubt there is one common biological property that makes someone more likley to be a Republican.
"The U.S. Transgender Survey finds only 2% of transgender people, not
in this report, are Republicans."
Have we seen an "uptick" (I hate that word) lately in the left's attempts>to get children to consider alternative genders? I sure have.
Probably most people would consider me to be leaning left somewhat, although I generally feel you get the best situation when the elected government is on the Left side of Right or the Right side of Left.
That way they don't do (as many) crazy things.
I'm all for treating everyone equally, but that's not what's
going on these days, and they would NEVER teach about heterosexual
couples to 6 year olds, but they sure tell them all about all the
other types these days. I worry, much as you suggested, that they
are teaching kids at very young ages that it's Cool to be Queer
(or Trans, etc.) while they are too young to understand about sex
on any level.
I feel like the right in the USA doesn't go far enough. I'm not asking for Hi>r, but if anyone on the right has an agenda, they don't seem to be checking m
Unlike the right, there are some very organized people working for the left,>organized that they're planting seeds for future votes. They seem to expect l
But they say that Trump's tariffs will act more like a tax on regular Americans while hiding that it is a tax, while he's also trying to
bankrupt Canada to get us to join the USA.
Rob Mccart wrote to AARON THOMAS <=-
Not being a part of that it's difficult for me to comment accurately
maybe but it seems to me Trump is into all for the Rich, although he
does a good job of hiding it. And in general I would not want to be
poor down there seeing how a lot of them live compared to up here.
Not that it's universal, we all have bad areas. But Trumps biggest platform in his bid to take over Canada is how much our taxes would
go down if we joined the USA, which are admittedly high,
Not being a part of that it's difficult for me to comment accurately
maybe but it seems to me Trump is into all for the Rich, although he
does a good job of hiding it. And in general I would not want to be
poor down there seeing how a lot of them live compared to up here.
(not homeless trying to avoid it) we are better supported in general I believe.. There are a huge number of rebates and grants for low income
bankrupt Canada to get us to join the USA.. But they say the tariffs
will increase the bills of the average American by $1300 a year and
>ion by changing childrens' surroundings, which is unfair to the childre
That's quite something.. I would wonder how much any group could accomplish if they are not the party in power at the time. To make major changes up here there are too many elected people that have to agree to them or it generally doesn't happen, although a huge issue is the NEW
A country being too far Left tends to bankrupt the country and one
being too far Right tends to ignore the poor, destroy the middle class with taxes, and make the ultra-rich even richer..
I have never actually heard anyone explain why he wants Canada to join the US. I actually thought it was a jab at Trudeau and not something he was serious about. Of course, I also thought the "Gulf of America" discussion
I have never actually heard anyone explain why he wants Canada to join the US. I actually thought it was a jab at Trudeau and not something he was serious about. Of course, I also thought the "Gulf of America" discussion
Make Canada a state, buy Greenland and Russian Subs have a free path to the Atlantic, where they'll get lost.
$324,999 for it, and it kinda looks like a dump. Imagine you work at Tim Horton's in Kingston, and you want to buy that place. How would you ever affor
it? And that is the cheapest home in the whole city.
I love Ontario, but I'd rather be poor in the states. Here's the cheapest hous
in my city (in the states):
$40k for that one, and it looks better than the house of horrors up in Kingston.
(not homeless trying to avoid it) we are better supported in general I believe.. There are a huge number of rebates and grants for low income
I appreciate your reply, and you sound like a very sincere and polite person, but I have to tell you that you're doing quite a bit of generalizing, which is
fine, but "better supported in general" how? We have people (in the states) wh
are incredibly ignorant, refuse to work, but they still have a roof over their
head, some with free food, and everyone in the states with low income has free
health care.
I hate to tell you this, but if you work at Tim Horton's in a US city (or IHOP or McDonald's or wherever), you probably are not going to be able to afford the cheapest home in your own city, either. Certainly not one
that is not in a run-down, likely crime-ridden part of town.
Either your city has a very unusually low cost of living, or there is something wrong with that house.
health care.
I am not so sure it is really free, at least not for citizens.
>> Americans while hiding that it is a tax, while he's also trying toBut they say that Trump's tariffs will act more like a tax on regular
I have never actually heard anyone explain why he wants Canada to join the>US. I actually thought it was a jab at Trudeau and not something he was
In Canada, what is the general feeling as to why Trump wants Canada>to join with the USA?
And in general I would not want to be> services we don't have or don't do as well. And, they certainly don't
poor down there seeing how a lot of them live compared to up here.
Not that it's universal, we all have bad areas. But Trumps biggest
platform in his bid to take over Canada is how much our taxes would
go down if we joined the USA, which are admittedly high,
Their taxes pay for medical care, a pension fund, welfare and other social
If you include everything we pay to private insurance and retirement> funds, I bet it's a wash.
How do you see Trump favoring the rich?
The prices on homes in Ontario are outrageous.
I appreciate your reply, and you sound like a very sincere and polite person,>t I have to tell you that you're doing quite a bit of generalizing, which is
Based on what you've said, I'm glad that Canada has so much stability in the>cess of changing things like education. I've always looked up to Canadians. B
I hate to tell you this, but if you work at Tim Horton's in a US city (or
IHOP or McDonald's or wherever), you probably are not going to be able to
afford the cheapest home in your own city, either. Certainly not one that is not in a run-down, likely crime-ridden part of town.
Some states have expensive housing throughout, like Maryland and West Virginia
But in New York there are cities with very affordable housing.
health care.
I am not so sure it is really free, at least not for citizens.
I've had low income for most of my life, so I've been on Medicaid for most of my life. When my income reached a certain threshold, I paid for private health
insurance while at a few jobs. Income limits for Medicaid vary from state to state. When I lived in New Mexico, and I made $10/hr, that was too much money to qualify for that state's Medicaid at the time, so I had to buy it through m
job (and was overcharged bigtime.)
I should be careful about saying too much directly about Trump. I would guarantee that we get different news up here than you get down there and
I'm not sure whether they just highlight what gets people's attention
in that country or if some things are blocked down there that we get
to see up here. Probably in both countries we should take the main
news with a bit if a grain of salt, although the NON mail news people
can be a serious problem as well.
Originally we did think that the Canada as the 51st state was a bit
of a joke, but he seems to be getting more and more serious about it
all the time. Honestly though, with him it's hard to tell what is a
ploy and what he's serious about. The bottom line is that a trade
war between our countries would just cost the regular people more.
The gov't will collect the tariffs as income and the amount of them
will just get passed down to the regular consumers in higher prices
so it acts more like a tax on almost everything you buy.
In Canada, what is the general feeling as to why Trump wants Canada>to join with the USA?
We have a lot of rare minerals and natural resources that we sell to
you and of the oil you import, 60% of it comes from Canada. Trump was
talking about a $200 Billion trade deficit with Canada - us selling
you that much more than you sell us - but they looked at that up here
and found if you remove Oil from that figure, which we actually sell
to you at 20% less than the going market rates, then you actually
end up with a small trade surplus. Someone said a while back that if
the Tariff war comes through and affects oil that Americans can
expect to pay about an extra $10 to fill their tanks.
Canada and the USA have one of the best relationships in the world
with the longest undefended border in the world. We generally like
each other and our trade back and forth is a huge part of both of
our economies so I hope that Trump doesn't do anything to mess that
up more than he already has (tourism and cross border shopping is
way down and we are booing each others national anthems at sporting
events). Fortunately this is his last term and I fear he is trying
to do something to really stand out in the history books more than
it actually being something to 'make America Great again'...
That's interesting.. and things these days are screwed up in one place
or another. My niece is a teacher in younger grades, K to 3, and she's
been punched and hit with objects by 'problem' kids and the school
system does nothing about it other than tell her she CAN NOT ever grab
a kid to stop them.
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
Make Canada a state, buy Greenland and Russian Subs have a free path to the Atlantic, where they'll get lost.
Especially if they've not updated their maps to include the Gulf of America.
Rob Mccart wrote to MIKE POWELL <=-
Originally we did think that the Canada as the 51st state was a bit
of a joke, but he seems to be getting more and more serious about it
all the time.
Honestly though, with him it's hard to tell what is a
ploy and what he's serious about. The bottom line is that a trade
war between our countries would just cost the regular people more.
The gov't will collect the tariffs as income and the amount of them>to join with the USA?
will just get passed down to the regular consumers in higher prices
so it acts more like a tax on almost everything you buy.
But it sounds like if he could arrange it at all Trump would like
the USA to take over Canada, Greenland, Panama and the Gaza strip.
In Canada, what is the general feeling as to why Trump wants Canada
We have a lot of rare minerals and natural resources that we sell to
you and of the oil you import, 60% of it comes from Canada. Trump was talking about a $200 Billion trade deficit with Canada - us selling
you that much more than you sell us - but they looked at that up here
and found if you remove Oil from that figure, which we actually sell
to you at 20% less than the going market rates, then you actually
end up with a small trade surplus. Someone said a while back that if
the Tariff war comes through and affects oil that Americans can
expect to pay about an extra $10 to fill their tanks.
Canada and the USA have one of the best relationships in the world
with the longest undefended border in the world. We generally like
each other and our trade back and forth is a huge part of both of
our economies so I hope that Trump doesn't do anything to mess that
up more than he already has (tourism and cross border shopping is
way down and we are booing each others national anthems at sporting events). Fortunately this is his last term and I fear he is trying
to do something to really stand out in the history books more than
it actually being something to 'make America Great again'...
* SLMR Rob * Be careful, or I'll include you in my plans
* Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
Mike Powell wrote to AARON THOMAS <=-
Kentucky (outside of Louisville and Lexington) has one of the lowest
costs of living. You are not going to buy a good home in a good area
on a fast food "salary" here.
I appreciate you being polite about this stuff. I hesitated to write
this note in the first place expecting nasty arguments. Just take from
it that my sources of information are different from yours and it's hard to say which is right or if the correct answer lays between somewhere.
How do you see Trump favoring the rich?
It was just reported that he has promissed big tax cuts to the rich
and that he expected to use the tariffs to pay for it.
But prices can't stay this high or wages will catch up to match.
I bought my first place on a high too and, although prices didn't
drop, they didn't go up any more for the next 8 or so years either
so the incomes eventually caught up with the costs.
That's interesting.. and things these days are screwed up in one place
or another. My niece is a teacher in younger grades, K to 3, and she's been punched and hit with objects by 'problem' kids and the school
system does nothing about it other than tell her she CAN NOT ever grab
a kid to stop them. For a while one principal had removed all books
from the school library that had white people in them. I had to ask
her twice to clarify that, and that's correct. They only had books
there that had minority characters in them. Fortunately the next
principal a couple of years later backed off on that.
>> Horton's in Kingston, and you want to buy that place. How would you ever af$324,999 for it, and it kinda looks like a dump. Imagine you work at Tim
I hate to tell you this, but if you work at Tim Horton's in a US city (or>IHOP or McDonald's or wherever), you probably are not going to be able to
heMake Canada a state, buy Greenland and Russian Subs have a free path to
Atlantic, where they'll get lost.
Especially if they've not updated their maps to include the Gulf of America.
Thank you for that - I needed a laugh!
>> guarantee that we get different news up here than you get down there andI should be careful about saying too much directly about Trump. I would
Down here, whatever will get the most clicks is what we are going to see>and hear the most.
Yes, trade wars do not help the consumer, especially if they drag on for>any amount of time.
Interesting. When I was in Canada in 2017, a Canadian explained to me that>a lot of the oil "exported" to the US is actually sent here to be refined
>> to do something to really stand out in the history books more thanFortunately this is his last term and I fear he is trying
He should be trying to do good things to stand out. Not so sure that idea>has sunk in, though. :( If it were me, I would prefer not to be known as
>> been punched and hit with objects by 'problem' kids and the schoolMy niece is a teacher in younger grades, K to 3, and she's
From what I can tell, at least this part is the same here also. :(
Originally we did think that the Canada as the 51st state was a bit> something he's not going to do as cover for DOGE. But, Trump can't back
of a joke, but he seems to be getting more and more serious about it
all the time.
I'm sure it was a deliberate head-fake, get people agitated about
I liked the analysis that admitting Canada into the union would result> in 13 more significantly progressive states and could skew any future
Trump, this time around even more, seems beholden. To Putin, Greenland>and Canada are key to the Atlantic ocean. It seems like DOGE's end game
> RM> will just get passed down to the regular consumers in higher pricesThe gov't will collect the tariffs as income and the amount of them
> RM> the USA to take over Canada, Greenland, Panama and the Gaza strip.But it sounds like if he could arrange it at all Trump would like
> >to join with the USA?In Canada, what is the general feeling as to why Trump wants Canada
> RM> you and of the oil you import, 60% of it comes from Canada. Trump wasWe have a lot of rare minerals and natural resources that we sell to
> RM> with the longest undefended border in the world. We generally likeCanada and the USA have one of the best relationships in the world
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52> * Origin: | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/1)
How do you see Trump favoring the rich?>Tax cuts for corporations can lead to good things for average Americans, and
It was just reported that he has promissed big tax cuts to the rich
and that he expected to use the tariffs to pay for it.
I haven't heard about that promise, but are they referring to corporations?
But prices can't stay this high or wages will catch up to match.>? I've never seen it happen before.
I bought my first place on a high too and, although prices didn't
drop, they didn't go up any more for the next 8 or so years either
so the incomes eventually caught up with the costs.
Incomes catching up with costs sounds like a fairy tale. Does that really hap
For a while one principal had removed all books>and now that we've achieved that, they seem to be taking us back to inequalit
from the school library that had white people in them. I had to ask
her twice to clarify that, and that's correct. They only had books
there that had minority characters in them. Fortunately the next
principal a couple of years later backed off on that.
Similar events have taken place here. The left used to complain about equalit
The current system is literally training kids that they can do anything they want with no consequences. Great education for when they get out
into the real world..
>> Horton's in Kingston, and you want to buy that place. How would you ever af
>> it? And that is the cheapest home in the whole city.
Our minimum wage here is now $17.20 an hour.. does that help? B)
I hate to tell you this, but if you work at Tim Horton's in a US city (or>IHOP or McDonald's or wherever), you probably are not going to be able to
>afford the cheapest home in your own city, either. Certainly not one that
>is not in a run-down, likely crime-ridden part of town.
There's no question housing is out of control at the moment but we have
an election coming up and they are all planning (?) to do something
about housing prices. Have to wait and see..
Those of us who were already owners can sit back and reap the rewards
I suppose, as long as you're not planning on moving to a bigger place
or to a bigger city.
Now, another 18 years later, a recent estimate of value I got last
summer from a property manager in the area said our property here
is now worth roughly $1.2 million, even though the buildings on it,
being small and old, are virtually worthless.
Isn't real estate fun? B)
They mentioned on the news today that almost all of our trade routes
for highway, rail and oil pipelines run North South, to trade with
you rather than with the rest of Canada. There is talk of totally
changing that as well.
We have more trade restrictions between
provinces here than we do for trading with the USA.. The problem
with this is, once changes are made, even if your next President
reverses the bad ideas, the changes we make to survive them may
stay permanent now that we see that the trusting relationship we
have had with the USA can be changed on a whim..
We will always deal with you due to proximity but likely do less
trade and do more with the rest of the world.
asHe should be trying to do good things to stand out. Not so sure that idea>has sunk in, though. :( If it were me, I would prefer not to be known as
>the President who ruined Canadian-American relations. I guess he maybe
>other ideas.
Yes, really.. I suppose for him it will be a win-win though no matter
which way it goes. He'll be famous for doing something amazing or for
(more likely) doing so much damage he'll be held up forever as the
prime example of what Not to do.. B)
Yes, anything taken to extremes does harm. If you benefit one group
another suffers. You'd think by now we could strive for treating
everyone fairly, with penalties for not doing that, rather than
trying to swing things 100% to greatly benefit a different group
while harming someone else..
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
It might have been funny when it was first suggested (like funny
stupid), but now that they are insisting on it, it is not really funny.
Sort of like the press secretary's crack about the "51st state" before the recent hockey match.
Rob Mccart wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
He does seem to have had better luck this time getting all Yes- people
to work for him.
People can punch a cop in the face, go to jail, and be assaulting women in the park later that same evening.
And, calling Trudeau "Governor". If the goal is to destabilize the
country and alienate the world, we're right on track.
People can punch a cop in the face, go to jail, and be assaulting women the park later that same evening.
I'll take "things that never happened", for $200, Alex.
We have more trade restrictions between provinces here than we do for
trading with the USA.. The problem with this is, once changes are made, eve
if your next President reverses the bad ideas, the changes we make to
survive them may stay permanent now that we see that the trusting
relationship we have had with the USA can be changed on a whim.. We will
always deal with you due to proximity but likely do less trade and do more
with the rest of the world.
It might have been funny when it was first suggested (like funny stupid), but now that they are insisting on it, it is not really funny.
Sort of like the press secretary's crack about the "51st state" before the recent hockey match.
And, calling Trudeau "Governor". If the goal is to destabilize the
country and alienate the world, we're right on track.
By: Mike Powell to ROB MCCART on Sat Feb 22 2025 10:53 am
We have more trade restrictions between provinces here than we do for
trading with the USA.. The problem with this is, once changes are made, ev
if your next President reverses the bad ideas, the changes we make to
survive them may stay permanent now that we see that the trusting
relationship we have had with the USA can be changed on a whim.. We will
always deal with you due to proximity but likely do less trade and do more
with the rest of the world.
The supply chain disruptions these tarriffs will cause are disrupting trade agreements and assumptions that countries are operating in good faith to continue trade.
Resetting them will be a massive undertaking and will take a long time. And, w
won't be able to switch back. I fear that this is a permanent change.
People in the San Francisco bay area know that if they move away, they
can never afford to move back. I moved in 2015 to the California coast -
I'm close enough that I can commute when needed, but wouldn't *want* to
move back - laid-back beach culture is priceless, but we're seeing more
and more people moving from Silicon Valley out here now that
telecommuting is more of a thing.
There's already a movement to change the constitution to allow a 3rd
term, tactically written to disallow Obama from running again.
Somewhat OT but are most of the Silicon Valley businesses still allowing telecommuting? You sometimes see articles about places that are pulling everyone back in, and they are often tech companies, so it is good to hear i is still "a thing."
Wouldn't the states (i.e. the people in them) have to vote on any adaptation of an ammendment to the Constitution? I seem to remember that being a thing when the ERA was being voted on.
The current system is literally training kids that they can do anything they want with no consequences. Great education for when they get out
into the real world..
(I'm butting-in to a conversation between you and Mike)
I want to point out that that same "training program" is taking place for adu> here in the USA too, especially in liberal states like New York. People can
>> an election coming up and they are all planning (?) to do somethingThere's no question housing is out of control at the moment but we have
If it is like here, they will waste a bunch of time renaming stuff and>pissing off their neighbors, which will make the rabidly loyal happy enough
>> for highway, rail and oil pipelines run North South, to trade withThey mentioned on the news today that almost all of our trade routes
Part of that might have something to do with how your population is spread>out, the climate, and the geography. IIRC, there is only one highway that
My opinion is that Canada (and Mexico and probably everyone else) really>needs to start planning long-term to do their own thing and not rely on us
That really sucks.. Teachers have a hard enough job without having to>> be afraid of their students. In the good old days if a kid did something
When I was in school that was *mostly* true. There were certain "types" of>kids that they either were not allowed to do too much to, or they just went
He does seem to have had better luck this time getting all Yes- people
to work for him.
He had 4 years avoiding jail to organize them.
And some modular home parks (like big trailers without wheels?)>the tenants, and tenants buying the park and turning them into a co-op.
sell for from not much over $100,000 to $200,000 but you lease the
land and the value is in the location. If the place closes down you virtually lose it all. You'd be lucky to get $15,000 for the home,
which would have to be moved.
I've heard more and more stories about parks being sold out from under
Housing has been the primary means of the middle class accumulating>wealth - and people still assume values are going to rise.
If the prices>drop across the board, you're going to get a lot more underground
There's already a movement to change the constitution to allow a 3rd>term, tactically written to disallow Obama from running again. Who
I don't know if it's universal but I believe you guys can write off
your mortgage payments (or interest?) against your income at tax time
which saves you a lot of money.
Here our advantage is your *Principal* residence can be sold at a
huge profit without any Capital Gains tax involved.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
And, calling Trudeau "Governor". If the goal is to destabilize the
country and alienate the world, we're right on track.
Calling white people "the greatest threat to homeland security" was Biden's way of doing that, along with being a senile gaffe expert on
the world stage.
Rob Mccart wrote to MIKE POWELL <=-
I don't know if it's universal but I believe you guys can write off
your mortgage payments (or interest?) against your income at tax time which saves you a lot of money.
Here our advantage is your *Principal* residence can be sold at a
huge profit without any Capital Gains tax involved.
What they will probably do to lower prices is, cut immigration so
there isn't as much os a shortage of housing, cut taxes or even give grants to builders putting up housing that will sell cheaper, which
should force all prices down some, and they may come up with something like charging Capital Gains tax on, say, anything over $200,000, of
profit you made when you sold your house, and use that money to
encourage those lower cost builders (in a perfect world).
Rob Mccart wrote to MIKE POWELL <=-
Probably a good idea but for 50+ years our relationship has benefitted both countries with stable, reasonably wealthy, markets and shared manufacturing and it would be a shame to lose that situation..
We are used to the rest of the world being unstable but were always
able tp rely on our closest neighbours..
Mike Powell wrote to ROB MCCART <=-
Here our advantage is your *Principal* residence can be sold at a
huge profit without any Capital Gains tax involved.
That *is* nice. ;)
> here in the USA too, especially in liberal states like New York. Peopl
>ch a cop in the face, go to jail, and be assaulting women in the park l
> same evening.
This is true.. and I probably should not mention that the race of the offender often has a big affect on that, the opposite affect it had
20 years ago probably..
You hear a lot of, these 'poor' people can't afford bail so we should
let them out without posting bail..
And, calling Trudeau "Governor". If the goal is to destabilize the country and alienate the world, we're right on track.
Calling white people "the greatest threat to homeland security" was Biden's way of doing that, along with being a senile gaffe expert on the world stage.
Well, arguably so. Most mass shootings the US are perpetrated by a white male, but PM Trudeau us not a "governor".
Most single shootings in the US are perpetrated by a black male, but you don't see Trump calling black people "the greatest threat to homeland security."
[...] but you don't see Trump calling black people "the
greatest threat to homeland security."
I'm sure he does, just not out loud.
The wild thing is that Trudeau didn't seem real popular and is resigning.>There are people on FIDO who were pretty down on him that, thanks to Trump,
Trump may have saved Trudeau's place in history... which I am pretty sure>was not his intention.
> > of an ammendment to the Constitution? I seem to remember that being a thiWouldn't the states (i.e. the people in them) have to vote on any adaptati
2/3s of both houses have to pass a proposed amendment, followed by a vote of> of the states. Or, 2/3s of the state legislatures could ask Congress to enac
With Trump's bluster of "Blue States Going Away", and his penchant for forcin>eople to stop him from doing something, I wouldn't be surprised to see someth
Yeah, one of the questions I need to answer about a potential move out
of the country is capital gains on a house sale. We're potentially
downsizing and would like to pocket the difference to help fund our retirement. I'm wondering if it might make more sense to buy a bigger
house to potentially market as a B&B, get the money overseas, then
I need to hire a money guy, stat.
Trump may have saved Trudeau's place in history... which I am pretty sure>was not his intention.
I suppose you have a place in History if you've run the country for
several elections, although what they write About you can vary..
(Trump may find out about that some day..) B)
And, calling Trudeau "Governor". If the goal is to destabilize the country and alienate the world, we're right on track.
Calling white people "the greatest threat to homeland security" was Biden's way of doing that, along with being a senile gaffe expert on
the world stage.
Well, arguably so. Most mass shootings the US are perpetrated by a white male, but PM Trudeau us not a "governor".
Ok, correction: he assaulted a woman in midtown Manhattan in July of 2022, posted bail, assaulted the female police officer on August 9 of 2024, was granted bail on October 17 of 2024, then on February 15 of this year he assaulted another woman in Times Square.
Thank you for citing this one isolated incident that supports your claim.
>> needs to start planning long-term to do their own thing and not rely on us as much.They mentioned on the news today that almost all of our trade routes
My opinion is that Canada (and Mexico and probably everyone else) really
We are used to the rest of the world being unstable but were always able tp rely on our closest
>> your mortgage payments (or interest?) against your income at tax timeI don't know if it's universal but I believe you guys can write off
We can write off interest *but* it is only really a benefit early on in your>mortgage, when the interest payments are higher. In KY you can do that on
>> huge profit without any Capital Gains tax involved.Here our advantage is your *Principal* residence can be sold at a
That *is* nice. ;)
Here our advantage is your *Principal* residence can be sold at a>gains - I think there's a loophole somewhere if you use the proceeds of
huge profit without any Capital Gains tax involved.
Yeah, that's where it gets muddy with short term and long term capital
I'm pretty pessimistic about attempts to lower housing costs. The>administration has extending the 2017 tax cuts a priority, so cutting
Landlords aren't any better - rents are a trailing indicator. Around>here, it takes a long time for rents to start coming down, you'll see
The Great Lakes are more or less a border between our countries, so> Fitzgerald as part of operation Wet Poutine, it started a clandestine
to the furthest points south.
We know that the Canadians were involved in the sinking of the Edmund
We are used to the rest of the world being unstable but were always>around us, and if this all goes away, take years to recover - if at all.
able tp rely on our closest neighbours..
Yes, and those 50+ year old supply chains will take a while to route
I hope that we move past the MAGA/Trump movement somehow, but fear that>it may take a long time for our reputation to recover.
can't send the kids home, what can you do with the ones with serious problems, disruptive and possibly dangerous to the rest of the class?>disruptive; the mothers volunteered as room "helpers" to help the
In the lower grades, my daughter had two kids in classes that were
This is true.. and I probably should not mention that the race of the offender often has a big affect on that, the opposite affect it had>ink we're that far yet (letting minorities out of jail first?) But shhh let's
20 years ago probably..
We've taken a sharp left turn in New York State since about 2019, but I don't
> RM> let them out without posting bail..You hear a lot of, these 'poor' people can't afford bail so we should
That's almost exactly what my state representative said to me when I complain>about it. Equality is in the trash, now they've replaced that word with "equi
> >> greatest threat to homeland security."[...] but you don't see Trump calling black people "the
I'm sure he does, just not out loud.
Ah.. but I think T *does* think out loud.
Rob Mccart wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
I could be wrong but I believe your laws say that a person can only
run for President twice for their party, but can run again, possibly
for one more term, as an independant. (?)
Justice is supposed to be blind. It's paying way too much attention to colour these days it seems.. Obviously the rich have certain advantges
Maybe they need an AI system to decide bail and jail terms when a
person is found guilty to eliminate things like the rich getting
special treatment and even 'beautiful' people getting lesser
sentences than others..
Is it fair that doing a crime against someone with few friends may
get you a lesser penalty than against someone with more friends
and/or family for doing the same crime?
>> several elections, although what they write About you can vary..I suppose you have a place in History if you've run the country for
After his reaction to the 2020 election loss, and what was written, he>should have figured that out already. :D
We are used to the rest of the world being unstable but were> always able to rely on our closest neighbours..
You got that right. I think we have some strange times ahead. :-(
After his reaction to the 2020 election loss, and what was written, he>should have figured that out already. :D
Ha.. The biggest lie he tells was about how he won his first election
by a landslide. Hillary actually got more votes than Trump did but
the way voting districts work he won the election itself.
I could see the game plan saying in 2028 "I've still got more work to
do, no election this year..." and having enough hand-picked syncophants
(and the support of a republican majority in the house and senate) that
no one could stop him.
Something the news mentioned today though is, the past couple of
times Trump has postponed starting his tariffs against Canada he
came up with his nice sounding reasons but the real reason is all
his rich buddies freaked out because the US Stock market started
to crash as the date closed in. It seems a lot of people realize
that this thing would do harm to Both countries, not just Canada.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Rob Mccart <=-
Setting bail based on income sounds like a good idea, but I honestly
don't know what was wrong with the original system. My state rep said
"The cash bail system wasn't fair to poor people," but the crimes they
are accused of aren't fair to the crime victims.
Rob Mccart wrote to MIKE POWELL <=-
Ha.. The biggest lie he tells was about how he won his first election
by a landslide. Hillary actually got more votes than Trump did but
the way voting districts work he won the election itself.
No crimes are fair to the victims. Setting a bail system which some
people can participate in and others cannot based on income and wealth
is inherently unfair, and some would argue contributes to a higher percentage of poor people being imprisoned than an equal number of rich people accused of the same crime.
Then again, being able to afford private representation compared to a public defender is another discussion.
I could be wrong but I believe your laws say that a person can only>of the 2020 election, so "it doesn't count", and someone in congress
run for President twice for their party, but can run again, possibly
for one more term, as an independant. (?)
Two terms only, but Trump has floated the notion that he was cheated out
I could see the game plan saying in 2028 "I've still got more work to>do, no election this year..." and having enough hand-picked syncophants
Justice is supposed to be blind. It's paying way too much attention to colour these days it seems..> color-blind. There's no solid way to tell what color people are just by look
You're right that they put too much color on everything. Technicially we all
Setting bail based on income sounds like a good idea, but I honestly don't kn>what was wrong with the original system. My state rep said "The cash bail sys
Our green party in the USA doesn't do much more than appear at federal election time, take potential votes from the democratic candidate, then disappear until the next federal election.
There are always leaders we wish could stay in power longer and
others we can't wait to get rid of in any country with honest
elections. As you may have known or picked up, our Prime Ministers
can stay in power as long as they keep getting re-elected, for good
or for bad, but at least it's our choice. We've never had a problem
getting rid of a Prime Minister once the majority wanted him gone.
> wasn't fair to poor people," but the crimes they are accused of aren't
>the crime victims.
Yes, the main thing that should be considered is how likely the person
is to not show up to court later or do other crimes while out on bail.
Without delving into the complexities of being poor, a lot of these
people will continue to do crimes as long as they are able since it's their only source of income.
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
I am tired of rewarding one side or the other for fielding the "less
evil" of the two top-party candidates. Even though the third party candidate and I probably don't agree on policy, at least they seem competent, responsible, reasonable, and were not a felon.
Rob Mccart wrote to AARON THOMAS <=-
actors who have worked hard to pass for white even though one of their parents was black. Although they are changing their story now that it's become Cool to be black..
Ha.. The biggest lie he tells was about how he won his first election>the Gullible. Repeat the same lie and the populace will assume it's
by a landslide. Hillary actually got more votes than Trump did but
the way voting districts work he won the election itself.
We've seen the end of the Age of Truth. Now, we've entered the Age of
When I argued that Trump didn't win with a mandate either time, the>response was "He did, to me!".
Maybe we're one step away from idiocracy. Time to buy stock in Brawndo.
I am tired of rewarding one side or the other for fielding the "less evil" of the two top-party candidates. Even though the third party candidate and I probably don't agree on policy, at least they seem competent, responsible, reasonable, and were not a felon.
While I see the minority parties siphoning votes from contending
I do see the benefits of a vibrant multi-party system. It would
be great if there was a viable third party alternative. They'd probably
need to occupy the center and leave the republicans and democrats at the fringes.
It's funny, those who support Trump are often near fanatical about it,
even people who his policies will hurt in the long run..
I watched the 'talk' that Trump had with the president of Ukraine,
Zelenskyy and, if it had been me, I'd have called Trump an asshole
and walked out. He's basically suggesting that Ukraine started the
war and that he's a dictator and that the only way out of it is for
them to hand over 20% of their country to Russia and agree to give
the USA exclusive rights to buy $500 Billion worth of various rare
materials from them and, in exchange, the USA will, in theory, not
let Russia take any more land from them.
While I see the minority parties siphoning votes from contending
parties, I do see the benefits of a vibrant multi-party system. It would be great if there was a viable third party alternative. They'd probably need to occupy the center and leave the republicans and democrats at the fringes.
IIRC, there are at least two Trump supporters, including at least one rabid MAGA, in the POLITICS echo who have also admitted to being past Obama voters.
If someone can figure out why that is, they can probably win every election from now on. I suspect it has something to do with wanting
While I see the minority parties siphoning votes from contending parties, I do see the benefits of a vibrant multi-party system. It would be great if there was a viable third party alternative. They'd probably need to occupy the center and leave the republicans and democrats at the fringes.
The third party is the Republicans and the Democrats. They're interchangeable,
and whichever one you vote for, he/she/they will do precisely what the world elite wants them to do (Except for Trump.)
The third party is the Republicans and the Democrats. They're interchangeable,
and whichever one you vote for, he/she/they will do precisely what the w elite wants them to do (Except for Trump.)
I think that Trump is doing exactly what some of the World's elite wants... different elites, but elites nonetheless. At the very least,
he is doing things that will line his and Elon's pockets... as the
richest man in the World, Elon is about as elite as one can get.
But didn't Trudeau actually "lose" the last election but then manage to put>together a coalition government that kept him in power?
wasn't fair to poor people," but the crimes they are accused of aren't> the crime victims.
Yes, the main thing that should be considered is how likely the person>aying now makes even more sense. It should be based on a bunch of other facto
is to not show up to court later or do other crimes while out on bail.
Without delving into the complexities of being poor, a lot of these
people will continue to do crimes as long as they are able since it's
their only source of income.
I know I said "you're right that it should be based on income" but what you'r
I watched the 'talk' that Trump had with the president of Ukraine, Zelenskyy and, if it had been me, I'd have called Trump an asshole and walked out. He' basically suggesting that Ukraine started the war and that he's a dictator and that the only way out of it is for them to hand over 20% of their countr to Russia and agree to give the USA exclusive rights to buy $500 Billion worth of various rare materials from them and, in exchange, the USA will, in theory, not let Russia take any more land from them.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Mike Powell <=-
How are Trump and Musk going to profit from their roles?
An example of that might be a woman who kills her husband after he's
been abusing her for a long time. I think they generally do go easier
is this type of situation.
But that poor person you let out with no bail money because they are
so poor, they have almost nothing to lose if they don't show up in
court unless they were innocent and expect to get off and, if guilty,
not much incentive to stop breaking the law because they are really
just killing time until they get caught again..
Musk's companies have received 38 Billion dollars worth of subsidies out of the US government over the past several years, and as the head of
DOGE, he's influencing other department's purchases. For every $400 million "armored Tesla Cybertruck" purchase/unwanted vehicle dump that's
exposed, there are others - like the FAA ditching Verizon for Starlink, Musk advising the firing of air traffic controllers, then bringing in SpaceX personnel to "save" the FAA - asll of which personally benefit
Musk and are illegal given his position in the government - which is why they "promoted" Amy Gleason, a woman with no involvement as head of
Trump is already bought - he's still afloat financially because of
Russian influence going back to the 1980s, but he gets to gouge American
Taking the term "profit" figuratively, Trump has used his position to stall the legal system, appointed cabinet members and senior officials
who have ended investigations (or shut down entire departments) with actions against Trump and Musk and pursued vendettas against those he's gone up against.
I'd have a hard time believing that the US government selling the Nancy Pelosi building in San Francisco then leasing it back at a profit to the buyer was an entirely financial move.
While I see the minority parties siphoning votes from contending>parties, I do see the benefits of a vibrant multi-party system. It would
actors who have worked hard to pass for white even though one of their parents was black. Although they are changing their story now that it's become Cool to be black..>music awards show. Youngsters complained about her not being black
Rashida Jones was invited to be one of the hosts at, I think it was a
Funny thing, when I go on long vacations for some reason I always run into>at least one person who really wants to talk politics. From the fall of
>> Zelenskyy and, if it had been me, I'd have called Trump an assholeI watched the 'talk' that Trump had with the president of Ukraine,
I think that is sort of what Zelenskyy did. He left without attending the>presser afterwards and without signing the agreement. If I were him, I
Funny thing, when I go on long vacations for some reason I always run into>at least one person who really wants to talk politics. From the fall of
>2015, every one of them has been a Trump supporter. Here is the funny
>thing... *any* of them that I have managed to accidentally get talking
>about who they voted for in the past were *ALL* Obama voters at least one
That does seem odd.. It seemed to me Obama was pretty good but you
couldn't find someone much more different from Trump..
>> Zelenskyy and, if it had been me, I'd have called Trump an assholeI watched the 'talk' that Trump had with the president of Ukraine,
>> and walked out.
I think that is sort of what Zelenskyy did. He left without attending the>presser afterwards and without signing the agreement. If I were him, I
>would not sign it. I would pull a Carlos Slim and find another partner
>(maybe China) who would help them vs. Russia and who might also like their
Yes, I was sort of glad to see he didn't sign the agreement. That's
probably about as close as you could come to calling Trump a twit
without having him attack you on stage.. It appears that a lot more
of Europe will be supporting Ukraine (and Canada will continue) so
maybe they can survive.
Something I heard way back when that war started 3 years ago..
First, we all probably heard that Putin said he could take over
Ukraine in 3 days.. but what came out at that same time was he
was already making plans to invade Poland.
Whether true or not, if he had easily taken Ukraine I doubt he
would have stopped there..
After Trump tried to extort Zelenskyy over Hunter Biden investigations (for which he was impeached)
I'd have a hard time believing that the US government selling the Nancy Pelosi building in San Francisco then leasing it back at a profit to the buyer was an entirely financial move.
I'd have a hard time believing that the US government selling the Nancy Pelosi building in San Francisco then leasing it back at a profit to the buyer was an entirely financial move.
That's another story I'm not familiar with. It's local news for you. What's up
with it? By the way you described it, it sounds like a profitable thing for th
government to do.
[...] the NDP (National Democratic Party)..
..will never get elected because the only way they could
fund this is to either bankrupt the country in
overspending and/or by taxing the hell out of the rich,
which is usually their main platform..
Much of their monetary support comes from the Unions..
I'd have a hard time believing that the US government selling the N Pelosi building in San Francisco then leasing it back at a profit t buyer was an entirely financial move.
That's another story I'm not familiar with. It's local news for you. Wha up
with it? By the way you described it, it sounds like a profitable thing th
government to do.
It means the US Government owned it, had equity in it, sold it to someone else and are now paying that someone else rent money.
A few far-left states (e.g. New York, New Mexico) have inadvertently invented>phrase called "the revolving door" referring to the door to their jails. Susp
>s get dragged in, they walk back out, they get dragged in again, and
>that door just keeps spinning and spinning.
Yes, I've heard that. If they had any sense they would have it set up
that a low income person on a first offence should maybe get a break
but they should get hit much harder the next time they land in court
like they do with federal crimes I think (?).. Get caught a third time
and go to jail for 25 years..
Rob Mccart wrote to AARON THOMAS <=-
Yes, I've heard that. If they had any sense they would have it set up
that a low income person on a first offence should maybe get a break
but they should get hit much harder the next time they land in court
like they do with federal crimes I think (?).. Get caught a third time
and go to jail for 25 years..
>> couldn't find someone much more different from Trump.... It seemed to me Obama was pretty good but you
Politically speaking, they are different, but they do have similarities if>you look for them. Both promised (Trump the first time) to be "different"
>> probably about as close as you could come to calling Trump a twitYes, I was sort of glad to see he didn't sign the agreement. That's
The Trump administration is now spinning this as "Zelenskyy was escorted>out by us and the presser was cancelled by us," which was not the original
If there are no hundrances to employment from the first incarceration,
maybe the rate of recidivism will go down? It's worth a thought
experiment at the very least -
oPolitically speaking, they are different, but they do have similarities if>you look for them. Both promised (Trump the first time) to be "different"
>than other politicians, both knew very well how to work an audience, how
>use social media to their advantage, and both had campaigns that knewbout
>branding. Obama was the first President where I noticed a marked amountf
>things -- beyond campaign wear -- with his stylized "O" on them... hats,revalent,
>t-shirts (post election), etc. Trump's MAGA hats seem even more
>but are basically the same thing.
Sounds like it's more about personal popularity than what they intend
to do politically,
The tariffs started today and apparently has already cost the USA
3 Trillion dollars in stock drops, and Trump is suddenly suggesting
that he may have another look at things in a few weeks and maybe
make some adjustments.
Trudeau, usually pretty polite to everyone, said today that for
such a smart man he was doing a really stupid thing..
In Congress today apparently most of what he said was Boo'd by
at least all the Democrats and he had to have the Congressman
from Texas physically removed from the floor when he was heckling
Trump during his speach and someone else started suggesting voting
for Trump's impeachment..
The Trump administration is now spinning this as "Zelenskyy was escorted>out by us and the presser was cancelled by us," which was not the original
No, nothing that makes Trump look bad is ever true, and that 'truth'
can change day by day as required..
That reminded me of something I read a couple of years back when they
were going nuts claiming that blacks were vastly discriminated against because even though they only represented under 20% of the population
in New York, they made up 60% of those in prison. Some smart person
resonded to that (probably lost their job over it) that they looked
into the crime statistics and that 65% of the crime was done by black
people so they were actualy UNDER represented in prison..
Yes, given the issues that a low-income person has getting employment>after checking "Yes" on the box on a job application that asks if you
If there are no hundrances to employment from the first incarceration,>maybe the rate of recidivism will go down? It's worth a thought
Rob Mccart wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
criminal record. As you suggest, it doesn't do anyone any good to
keep them from having a chance at ever earning an honest living.
>> such a smart man he was doing a really stupid thing..Trudeau, usually pretty polite to everyone, said today that for
He is not wrong there.
I don't know that they all booed him for sure. A lot of them held up signs>that said things like "FALSE," "LIAR," and other more specific messages.
Overall he most certainly did not win with a mandate. However, if one>looks at it by the states that actually decided the election... the swing
> > were going nuts claiming that blacks were vastly discriminated againstThat reminded me of something I read a couple of years back when they
You're suggesting that someone has statistics on crimes that are commited, bu>ot prosecuted and proven? If the crime isn't proven, how does anyone know the
criminal record. As you suggest, it doesn't do anyone any good to>and campaign finance rules.
keep them from having a chance at ever earning an honest living.
Unless your country has a for-profit prison system and lenient lobbying
> > were going nuts claiming that blacks were vastly discriminated againstThat reminded me of something I read a couple of years back when they
You're suggesting that someone has statistics on crimes that are commited, bu>ot prosecuted and proven? If the crime isn't proven, how does anyone know the
Unless your country has a for-profit prison system and lenient lobbying>and campaign finance rules.
Looking online it looks like there is some of that in Canada but
they said it is mostly invisible, you won't see people in orange
jump suits working on the roads or something. Most of it is just
working for the prison itself, cleaning and laundry and such, but
there is some of it done for outside contractors for profit as well.
Rob Mccart wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
they said it is mostly invisible, you won't see people in orange
jump suits working on the roads or something. Most of it is just
working for the prison itself, cleaning and laundry and such, but
there is some of it done for outside contractors for profit as well.
Mike Powell wrote to ROB MCCART <=-
I think he meant jails that are run by for-profit companies who get
paid by the government based on the number of people incarcerated
there. They, in turn, are motivated to lobby for laws that make it
more difficult for offenders -- even non-violent ones -- to get out of jail.
> > were going nuts claiming that blacks were vastly discriminated againstThat reminded me of something I read a couple of years back when they
> > because even though they only represented under 20% of the population
> > in New York, they made up 60% of those in prison. Some smart person
> > resonded to that (probably lost their job over it) that they looked
> > into the crime statistics and that 65% of the crime was done by black
> > people so they were actualy UNDER represented in prison..
You're suggesting that someone has statistics on crimes that are commited, bu>ot prosecuted and proven? If the crime isn't proven, how does anyone know the
>ce of those that committed them? This sounds very suspicious.
When I answered this last night I missed something pretty obvious.
If you have 5 black people and 5 white people found guilty and in jail
then they each make up 50% of the population..
But if, say, the black people are in jail for doing 2 criminal acts
and the whites only 1 then that would mean the blacks make up 50% of
the jail population but had committed 66% of the crimes..
On the plus side, they are not under represented in this case, just
guilty of doing more crimes.. B)
Being guilty of a crime and being convicted of a crime are 2 different things. >Just because more blacks are convicted of crimes doesn't necessarily meansore
blacks are conducting more crimes. They could just be more likely to be >convicted and incarcerated for more crimes.
On the plus side, they are not under represented in this case, just guilty of doing more crimes.. B)
Being guilty of a crime and being convicted of a crime are 2 different things. Just because more blacks are convicted of crimes doesn't necessarily means more blacks are conducting more crimes. They could
just be more likely to be convicted and incarcerated for more crimes.
Unless your country has a for-profit prison system and lenient lobbying>and campaign finance rules.
>> they said it is mostly invisible, you won't see people in orangeLooking online it looks like there is some of that in Canada but
I think he meant jails that are run by for-profit companies who get paid by>the government based on the number of people incarcerated there. They, in
Prison labor in the US is a scam, they end up making pennies on the> dollar compared to free laborers, and end up doing difficult jobs like
I wouldn't be surprised if the US republican party isn't thinking of> prison labor as a replacement for seasonal migrant workers from Mexico.
Right.. I should have thought of that. We hear about that going on in
the USA. Looking for info on that up here, it said that it was tried
in 3 prisons but all have 'either gone defunct or reverted to gov't
control after they found that other prisons had better security,
better health care, and reduced repeat offender rates'.
That reminded me of something I read a couple of years back when they>ust because more blacks are convicted of crimes doesn't necessarily means mor
were going nuts claiming that blacks were vastly discriminated against because even though they only represented under 20% of the population
in New York, they made up 60% of those in prison. Some smart person resonded to that (probably lost their job over it) that they looked
into the crime statistics and that 65% of the crime was done by black people so they were actualy UNDER represented in prison..
When I answered this last night I missed something pretty obvious.
If you have 5 black people and 5 white people found guilty and in jail
then they each make up 50% of the population..
But if, say, the black people are in jail for doing 2 criminal acts
and the whites only 1 then that would mean the blacks make up 50% of
the jail population but had committed 66% of the crimes..
Being guilty of a crime and being convicted of a crime are 2 different things
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