Echo Successfully Updated.
TITLe: Guns N' Such
Language: ENGLISH
GUNS_N_SUCH is for the peaceful and enjoyable discussion
of guns, be it pistol, rifle, shotgun, revolver, or more.
Any debate about guns of any kind is not appropriate
for this echo. All are welcome, however, this is not
a debate echo.
RULEs: {Verified}
Rules Content:
Fidonet GUNS_N_SUCH Echo Rules
Updated on 12 July 2020
Moderator : Mike Powell (1:2320/105)
GUNS_N_SUCH is an echo for gun enthusiasts to discuss their mutual hobby
in a safe, friendly environment. This echo originates in Zone 1 in the
United States and will focus on the freedoms of gun ownership as well
as the rules and regulations on guns in the United States.
However, international gun enthusiasts are welcomed also.
MODerator: Mike Powell, 1:2320/105
Email: ccoky{at}
VOLume: 10/month [not verified]
ORIGIN: 1:2320/105
RESTrictions: /REAL
DISTribution: Worldwide
GATEway: None
From: Mike Powell, 1:2320/105
Email: ccoky{at}
Updated on: 2024/09/14 and valid till 2025/07/31
Produced by Elist v5.4.40
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* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)