//Hello Ward,//
on *30/08/2024* at *10:03:21* You wrote in area *FIDONET.ORG*
to *Bart Verhaeghe* about *"Re: Renewall"*.
It would be better to rent a web hosting from a professional
than BV>BV>> being stingy.
Stop being so pissy ... in case you're unaware, nobody gives a shit.
follow the fidonet rules Dossche.
Reading P4 ... nope ,,, no rules about domains and webhosting nor FTP ... these are all services provided without obligation.
forgot the whole P4?
This simply called keeping up with the new technolog's.
we should not expect that there will ever be an update on new technologies in the P4.
Bart Verhaeghe
--- WinPoint 415.0
* Origin: Original *WinPoint* Origin! (2:291/100)