• Computer Failure Haikus

    From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 12:00:12
    If a user is
    online, and accesses a door during maintenance, it'll crash the door
    and the system. I can't always be up at 12 midnight to "manually down
    the nodes" to keep users offline while the doors are updated for the
    daily maintenance.

    Isn't that the BBS OS' job, to kick all users offline before maintenance & to refuse access during defined maintenance time? This was already pretty basic in BBS OSes 30+ years ago.

    How about, since you've quit the networks, running maintenance during the Fido network no users time?

    can't afford a new CPU...especially since the State Of Arkansas is threatening to remove my Low Medicare Funding Beneficiary status.
    If I have to pay nearly $200 a month for the Medicare premium, I'm
    going to have to sell my car.

    Why ar rthey doing this? Have you recently come into a large sum of money or a nice regular source of income? If not, I would think what they're doing should be illegal, & you should connect with a group of seniors who advocate for fair treatment for seniors in AL. At the least, write a letter or email to your rep.

    Google "forms of address for letters America" first & follow the format they recommend. Your letter is more guaranteed to be read by your rep if you follow these traditional forms.

    Needless to say, I'm not a very happy camper right now.

    More later. . .

    ... C:\BELFRY is where I keep my .BAT files. ^^^oo^^^

    I actually used to do this; I had dozens of BAT files I'd created to make life easier, like PD.BAT (parallel directory change) CD ..\%1

    simple, but helpful if you spent all your time in DOS like I did. . .I also had FF to filefind a specific file anywhere I put in the parameter used as FF \JOKES camp
    ala: DIR /S/B/-P %1 |find /i "%%2"

    I might be wrong on the format of the parameter variables as it's been years since I've used these, but that's the gist anyway. Plus I might make an ad hoc BST file for a day's tasks,. then not bother deleting it. . .

    Ones I used regularly like PD & FF, I compiled into .COM files

    OBPUN/JOK, which YOU omitted, my friend. . .

    Camping is in-tents!
    IÆm feeling sÆmore and sÆmore in love with camping. Campers have sÆmore fun. You canÆt run through a campsite. You can only ranà because itÆs past tents!

    This is more time relevant to our Down Under readers, if we have any. . .

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)