• a dirty joke from a 4yo b

    From George Pope@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 12:43:40
    Dorothy Parker was once asked to use the word horticulture in a sentence. She >> replied, "You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think."
    That is a good one. I will include a potentially funny tagline below.

    Umm. . . a tagline is an addition to a post; the post itself should contain a joke or pun submitted as funny content. . .

    I'll accept a half dozen one-liners on a topic as such OBFunny content, in a post. . . (puns are awesome! Or, if about pets, downright PAWSOME!)

    * SLMR 2.1a * bulldozer (n.) - political speech writer taking a nap.

    Sounds about right. . . & a number of employers/managers fit this definition, too -- I'm lucky to only know of this type through second-hand info(rumours)

    I'll see what I can find on sleep. . . a nice topic, on mornings when I've had some!

    We'll begin with the number one cure for insomnia. Relax & get a good night's sleep!

    Suitable for stealing to your own tagline list: Insomnia is a nightmare without the monsters
    ôNapöoleon Bonaparte got nothing on me
    Yawnoclock is always ticking
    Catching zÆs like a pro athlete
    Living for the next power nap
    Dreamöing big, waking up small

    Just funny:

    The gardener planted ideas in his sleep, growing aspirations and cultivating a bed of dreams.

    The comedian laughed in his slumber, tickling funny bones and jesting in the land of Nod.

    The climber scaled the heights of sleep, summiting dreams and reaching the peak of slumber.

    The musician dreamt of notes dancing on a staff, composing symphonies of sleep and melodic rest.

    The librarian shelved her worries for the night, cataloging dreams and indexing hours of rest.

    I'm none of those professionals, I'm up usually; even if I do fall asleep I dream of suffering from insomnia & still wake up tired! Or I spend the night walking, walking, walking, as if I'm a character in a J.R.R. Tolkien book! & wake up exhausted, with tired/sore legs & feet!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)