Celebrating remarkable women writers to mark Women's History Month, I found out via
wikitree.com that I am:
19 degrees from Agatha Christie
24 degrees from Mona Anderson
24 degrees from Emily Bront˙
37 degrees from Octavia Butler
23 degrees from Nancy Cato
18 degrees from Barbara Kingsolver
18 degrees from Antonine Maillet
21 degrees from Margaret Marsh
19 degrees from Maud Macdonald
24 degrees from Flannery O'Connor
25 degrees from Aurore Dupin de Francueil
26 degrees from Sigrid Undset
I have some ancestors that were actors, architects, astronauts, black, bank robbers,
comedians, detectives, singers and musicians, politicians, physicians, writers. I guess
that I am a collection of all of them, as we ALL are.
https://www.wikitree.com helps me gather this information with their weekly newsletters.
If you would like to find your connections to famous people, you can start by giving me
some basic information by going to:
and click on the 'Request Form' link.
I have researched the ancestry for many persons interested in their family history.
Mike Dippel
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