• because humans are dumb in comparison to AI

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Nicholas Boel on Sunday, November 24, 2024 22:34:00
    Hello Nicholas!

    Unless tractors go extinct, I seriously doubt humans will
    ever replace them ... AI or not.

    Of course, I meant the words in the sentence would change
    (because humans are dumb in comparison to AI, which will
    soon be controlling said tractor) - I was definitely not
    comparing the physicality of what both words actually do.

    AI would never surpass humans because of its lack of truly
    understanding anything.

    Sure, AI can access a whole bunch of data and process it very
    fast, but it would still be the lessor to humankind.

    The book,

    The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can't Think
    the Way We Do | Paperback

    Erik J Larson

    Harvard University Press | Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press

    Computers / Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing / Technology & Engineering / Social Aspects
    Published Oct 11, 2022

    ..a good read about this matter.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: (2:221/1.58)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/700 to August Abolins on Monday, November 25, 2024 18:05:05
    Hello August,

    On Sun, Nov 24 2024 21:34:00 -0600, you wrote ..

    AI would never surpass humans because of its lack of truly
    understanding anything.

    Have you interacted with humans recently? There are non-AI controlled
    tractors out there smarter than some humans already, and tractors can't
    even think!

    Sure, AI can access a whole bunch of data and process it very
    fast, but it would still be the lessor to humankind.

    Of course. Most of what I said was a joke, or sarcasm, because there are
    a lot of stupid people out there already. :)


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
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